Some history about Chuck and the team 

Chuck aka Chris spent more than 25 years in active addiction. 

There were highs and lows in that time, and he enjoyed some short-term success in his work life, and as an entrepreneur, but always the struggle with addiction caught up, and the successes were short-lived.

As is almost always the case, Chuck moved away from being a high functioning addict, to struggling, to someone who's life had become not just unmanageable, but at risk of ending by his hand, or some other tragic circumstance. 

Very rarely is the path to recovery linear, and Chuck’s path was no exception. After many hard days, and numerous relapses, it was the unexpected death of his father that served as the push to work at real sustainable recovery......more

Ryan Bathgate brings many years of experience, and a consistent dedication to mental health and social uplift to his work. His personal philosophy draws on the complex traditions of phenomenology and existentialism (using a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach to personal wellness) to enact meaningful individual and social change. Meaning doesn't exist in the world prior to our actions; it is our actions themselves that make meaning in the world.


But these aren't just big words! What Ryan does is inject into all of his conversations, every interaction and every encounter with other people, a sense of purpose and a compassionate heart. Phenomenology is important to him because it emphasizes how we create meaning through lived experience, every day, and even (especially) during moments of tension. All of our struggles are opportunities for decision, where we show to the world at large that we are free—as Nietzsche famously said--"to become who we are." In turn, he focuses on hermeneutics because it is the way we interpret and understand that other people are also making those decisions, live just as freely, and seek just as much to have meaningful and .......more


Dr. Lisa grew up on the east coast of Canada and completed both bachelor and masters degrees in Mechanical Engineering at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She later left a career in oil and gas as a reservoir engineer to complete her medical degree at the University of Calgary, where she was a recipient of the Nat Christie Foundation Medical Entrance Award and named one of Calgary’s Inspiring Albertans for “changing careers to change addiction.” Dr. Lisa says she felt drawn to a career in medicine for years, and it was, ultimately, walking alongside a family member fighting addiction that created the impetus for her career change. After completing medical school, Dr. Lisa completed her residency in psychiatry in Calgary, Alberta. She now works in adult psychiatry at the Peter Lougheed Centre hospital, where she........more

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Apple Podcasts
First listen today - wow

The May 22 episode spoke to me - shouted to me, really. For a bucketful of reasons, I feel like the best of life is to come for my family. Thank you for being brave and strong and for telling the effing truth!

Apple Podcasts
Awesome warm podcast

I love this podcast because it takes real life experience and education and mixes in a whole lot of encouragement! You won’t regret listening here!

Apple Podcasts
Great show

This show has helped so many in so many ways. Great work

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