The stigma surrounding addiction only has the power it does, because we don't talk about it freely and openly. This collection of blogs is designed to open up those conversations and battle the stigma that keeps so many people quiet, and in so many cases suffering. Whether it's a mother who is fighting alongside an adult child that suffers in addiction, a mother whose child lost the battle to addiction, an interventionist, a harm reduction worker, somebody in recovery, or even somebody still in active addiction, much like the Ashes to Awesome Podcast, all view are welcome here. Let's do better at stopping the stigma.
TAMMY SEP 09 2023 The Ultimate Sacrifice - Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren.
TAMMY AUG 312023 Here we are again - Two steps forward and one step back
TAMMY AUG 24 2023-Acceptance & Detachment: Necessary coping skills to overcome the chaos of addiction that you don’t realize you need, until you do.