Sydney Graham

Sydney Graham

Peer Support Manager - Families for Addiction Recovery
Sydney has worked in healthcare for 30 years as an Engagement Specialist and Educator with expertise in Patient and Family Centred Care, with the last 8 years in Addiction and Mental Illness. She is the Peer Support Manager for Families for Addiction Recovery, supporting and teaching skills to empower families with essential, authentic and evidence-based strategies, not taught by providers. Sydney also advocates for better drug policy and health laws, stigma, and accessible, evidence-based, timely care. She is the voice for hundreds of families across Canada. She has her Counselling, Cognitive and Dialectical Behaviour Skills Coaching certificates. She is also a member of: Ontario Family Caregiver Advisory Network (Board Member) The Global Patient and Family Advisory Board, The Beryl Institute, U.S. Patient Partner at OntarioMD Children’s Healthcare Canada, Family Advisor

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